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The Pedant in the Kitchen by Julian Barnes - Everlasting Editions
The Pedant in the Kitchen by Julian Barnes - Everlasting Editions
The Pedant in the Kitchen by Julian Barnes - Everlasting Editions
The Pedant in the Kitchen by Julian Barnes - Everlasting Editions
The Pedant in the Kitchen by Julian Barnes - Everlasting Editions
The Pedant in the Kitchen by Julian Barnes - Everlasting Editions

The Pedant in the Kitchen by Julian Barnes

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Published by Atlantic Books, London; 2003. First Paperback edition.

This is the first edition in paperback of Barnes’ comical account of his ‘search for gastronomic precision’. The book is entertaining and relatable and a must-read for any struggling cook.

The book is as new, with just one faint crease to the top right of the front cover. Apart from this, the book is in almost perfect condition inside and out. The pages are clean and bright with no wear or tear, just a hint of toning to the edges.

In all, this would be an excellent book for any aspiring cook to enjoy.